After The Truman Show, a Catalan television channel produces the second Total Reality Show in History: Magic Life. The protagonist is the involuntary center of a television program that broadcasts his life 24 hours a day. His family and friends (Josep Maria Pou, Emma Vilarasau...) are prestigious actors who play a role in his life. Since his childhood, the protagonist has felt a great obsession with sleight of hand and everyone makes him believe that he is an exceptional illusionist. But the reality is quite different.
Due to a production error, Antonio discovers eventually the truth and decides to leave Magic Life. It will be then, outside the program, where the protagonist sets a goal; put on a show to show everyone that he is a great illusionist.
The show with which Antonio Díaz El Mago Pop was positioned as the highest grossing illusionist of the year in Europe.
The world's highest-grossing European illusionistForbes
He is a maestroAntonio Banderas
I don't understand how he can do what he doesStephen Hawking